I often wonder what peace feels like.
You know, the peace we read about in God's word. That peace that is supposed to surpass our own understanding.
The peace that guards our hearts and minds.
Well, I witnessed a little bit of that peace online tonight.
I had read about Pastor Greg Laurie and the death of his son this past week in an automobile accident. Christopher was 33 years old and married and expecting their second child in November. It was a horrible accident, obviously, to take his life. His wife and his daughter are both beautiful. (Their photos are posted on the Harvest.org website.)
Thursday this happened people. Unexpected. Sudden. Immediate. Final.
Today, Sunday the 27th...just 3 days later, Greg was in front of his congregation, sharing His faith in God. Sharing his peace. Sharing that although he is heartbroken, his faith is not broken. He stated how he feels closer to heaven now, and that He knows where his son is, and what glory it will be when he gets to see him again.
He got teary and shared that it is not a day to day journey, but a moment by moment one. But the calm, composed Pastor kept it all together and pointed everyone back to Christ. An anecdote he shared about his son had new meaning for him, as he insisted that although he doesn't understand why, he trusts His savior to "choose" for him. Like a loving father who wants to lavish good things on his child, he will trust HIM.
I don't know if I could respond with such spiritual maturity. Such an eternal perspective.
I hope to never have to know the depth of that ache...a parent losing a child.
I do know that I have walked through pain in my life that I never thought I could, however, and in bittersweet moments have also been given that peace. I guess I do know what if feels like, but in the absence of such trials, I forget. Would that I could carry that peace always, I truly would. I think it is given to us in measures that are needed. Not a Costco-sized supply, but in small bites. To keep us constantly going back to the throne of Christ and seeking Him. Isaiah 26:3 promises that God will keep us in perfect peace whose mind is fixed on Him. God wants us to put on a heavenly perspective, especially in the midst of trials. He wants us to return to Him every moment we have a need, and to trust and remain focused on Him.
We don't have the grace for tomorrow's trials today. We are given what we need just for today. Our daily bread.
We are given our peace in pieces.
If we lose a job, a piece of His peace is added, when we seek Him.
If we fall into worry. A piece of His peace is added, when we seek Him.
If we watch our children suffer. Again, we seek Him. And we are able to walk through it with peace.
If we are in financial ruin, and we come to Him, with an eternal perspective, we truly receive a peace that we don't understand.
I am thankful that in our weakness, He is strong.
And that He is there for us, moment by moment, day by day, piece by piece...
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, with prayer and petition, and thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Phillipians 4:7
Here is hoping that all of you have a great week, count your blessings, and do something for someone who needs a piece of peace.
In Christ,
The Maid
Another great read, Beck! Thanks for reminding me about His peace. Missin' ya.
Great post, Becky!!
I hadn't heard about Pator Laurie's son. That is very sad. It can be inspiring to see evidence of peace flowing through other people when, by all human logic, there should be no peace at all.
A great reminder...
Beautiful Bex!
Beautifully written, Becky! Thanks for sharing it with us.
Thanks for sharing that...
A good friend once said to me "Happiness is from the outside in...but joy, joy is from the inside out."
Pastor Lorie knows that joy. I know that joy. I am sure that you know that joy.
Thank you so much for this wonderful reminder. It was just the thing I needed to hear right now and just knowing God is there, remembering that I'm not alone makes me feel better.
(I've been meaning to bookmark you and I'm doing it right now so I don't lose you again. smile)
Thank you for a lovely reminder!
Beautiful and well written Becky!
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