Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Democracy Rocks!

Okay, so I am 39.5 weeks pregnant...do you hear the discomfort in my voice? :)

Still no baby yet...and after delivering my last baby 10 days early...I was hopeful! But, this child is either waiting to find out what his name will be before he comes out, or he needs the results of the election first!

We waddled up to the voting place today...at 6:10 a.m. Did you catch that? I have not been sleeping...at all...and actually had breakfast at 4:45 this morning with my husband and we went to go vote. Of course, I was thinking we would be some of the first few to get there and would be out in no time. Wrong. People the sun wasn't even up yet and there was a line about 50 people long.

Still, why does it take so long for people to vote? Do they get there and read every line on the ballot? Didn't they practice at home? LOL

Seriously...we have been decided on 95% of the content of our ballot for months now...and all we had to do was fill in the bar with the black magic marker and VOILA! Get your sticker and get the heck out of there!

So why on earth is it such a long process for some people? Are they coloring within the lines all perfectly? Are they reading and re-reading the propositions to make sure no one pulled the ole switcheroo on them? Or is it a really long game of eenie meenie minie moe? I don't get it. From the time I plopped my ballot down in the little stall, it took me about 2 minutes. Do you hear that slow pokes? 2 MINUTES! In fact, I suggest that they have a time limit on this deal. If you haven't finished after 5 minutes, you should be ejected and your vote shouldn't count. Yep, that is democracy MAID style. Get in. Make the beds. Freshen the towels. Get out.

If I had been thinking clearly, I would have faked labor...and tried to get to the front of the line!

At any rate, I waddled out to my car, and drove away proudly wearing my "I voted today" sticker to proclaim to all the world that even though I am a frumpasaurus right now...I still have the same rights, privileges, and convictions to support my country. The same rights as that guy who was on his cell phone the whole morning making himself soud really significant. (Dude, get off the phone...the world can carry on without you.) Or that lady who was all decked out on her way to some really important job, no doubt. (Why do these kind of people always look annoyed that they have to stand with the "public" in such a humiliating display of mediocrity?) Or what about the lady who was on the phone asking the caller to tell her how to vote? (If I was that ignorant come election day, would I want the entire line of people to know it? Um, big no.)

Yessir. I still have the same rights while boldly wearing that sticker as each and every one of you....

Free coffee at Starbucks.
Free ice cream at Ben and Jerry's.
Free donut at Krispy Kreme.

Yep. Democracy rocks.

"I voted today."

Now gimme my donut.

The Maid


Happy Mommy said...

Free coffee?!?!? What! I had no idea that I could vote and get free coffee, and a donut!

bunchofbull-ers! said...

Yep, I have been wondering if he had made his grand entrance yet....I can not wait hear his name...Kelly is the new Michael, no?!
Please share the news ASAP....inquiring minds here in Tennessee want to know, ya know?!
And yes, I enjoyed a free cup (or 2) of Starbucks myself! I just happened to be in the big city and just happened by 2 different Starbucks and just happened to tell the innocent baristas that 'I voted'...should I go repent?! I never heard there was a limit!?

Hoping you are snuggling your lil man soon. Will be praying for smooth sailing :O)

P.S. I know you miss me being there trying to get you to spill the beans about his name every other minute.....

Chris H said...

Good for you! I bet bubba is just waiting to find out who's the New President before he gets outta there... gunna name him Barak or John???? LOL

Roland Hulme said...

Awesome post!

Good for you for voting, not matter who it was for.

Sorry about the delayed baby. My wife was a week overdue. In the end she took cod liver oil and she and I... well, we did what we'd done to get into that situation in the first place, if you catch our drift.

She went into labour the same evening!

I'm excited for you.

kimmy said...

I hope that baby arrives soon!


Anonymous said...

I was just thinking about you and how I haven't been to your blog in awhile and wondering if you had your baby... This post is from the 4th! I am praying all is well and you are enjoying a new wee one!