Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Kick me while I'm down, why don't ya?

Hello People.

I've been absent from blogland for a very good reason. I think I am depressed.

I have had one naturopathic wholistic tea tree oil friend (You know who you are and you know I love you) who has been telling me that for a long time. I always ignore it. I guess I feel like as long as I get up and get dressed and put on make-up occasionally, and I don't get tears tattooed from the outer corner of my eyes...I'm fine. I haven't been basking in miniature white powdered donuts or stealing from my kids' stash of
Fundraiser Chocolate Bars or anything.

So I feel like I am plugging along in life, doing my best, keeping my kids out of jail, and trying not to exist solely on carbs. Someone who is going to her midwife, taking her kids to the dentist/orthodontist, and the occasional Bible Study can't be all that messed up, right?

Apparently not.

Evidently I am in deep need of St. John's Wort, says Dr. TeaTree. So today I looked it up. It goes by a few names...I found that it is also called: hypericum, Klamath weed, and goat weed. Did you see that?

Weed. My dear friend wants me to take "weed."

I mean, I've heard that it has medicinal uses, but doesn't it also give you the munchies? With my BMI, I can't afford the munchies. I mean I'm already struggling with trying to get off of Diet Coke, because everyone says it makes you fat.

The other name for it..."hypericum"...well, duh..."Hyper ICK um." Yep, that about sums up how I'm feeling.

SuperICK or as
queenie would say, UberICK.

I am not one to take medications. I often even put off Tylenol until near death because I've heard that it damages your kidneys or liver or something. I take vitamins, but I am even skeptical with those. I mean how much healing power can be in one little microtube...that is pressed and compacted and chemically altered? And can those things really undo a lifetime of Taco Bell and Diet Coke?

I think the conclusion that I came to is this...I don't need to "drug up" and I'm not even sure I need to "herb up"...rather I probably need to figure out the why of it all.

Why am I depressed?

I mean the Bible says that as a man purposes in his heart, so he is. And the laymen? Even Oprah and Dr. Phil say that our behaviors stem from our thoughts and our thoughts from our feelings and our feelings from our beliefs...and our beliefs go so deep that we don't often even know what they are or why they are there.

Yep...I might just need a spot on a couch for a while. Lying down, with a really good looking shrink telling me that none of this is my fault.

(Dear husband, please disregard "good looking shrink" comment...I am perfectly content with my "good looking butler" and merely blog some things for effect, okay?)

So as I delve into my thoughts, feelings, and beliefs to try to figure out why I am
here...rather than here...just humor me.

My thoughts take me to a place that I call bummerville. I realize that God's word says to take every thought captive...and not to "go there," but sometimes you just do. Bummerville consists of all of those things we decide about ourselves based upon the outside looking in perspective.

I'm unhappy with my appearance.
I'm in financial chaos.
I'm messing up my family.
I'm a terrible wife.
I'm failing as a Christian.

Yep...those are painful things to dwell on, so it is a short trip to Bummerville. You snap yourself out of it with a Diet Coke and a cookie.

Those thoughts are also not from my creator God, but from the pit.

So I move on to my feelings.

I'm unhappy.
I'm sad.
I'm scared.
I'm worried about the future.
I'm spiritually stuck.

I also realize that those feelings are temporary. Finding joy in all of my circumstances or feelings is what I am supposed to do, right? So I pull out my Bible and read in Ecclesiastes that there is a time for everything. This just might be my time to weep. (And I do.)

You can only cry for so long, though...and then you have to go change a diaper or pick up a kid from camp or celebrate a birthday or something...and you snap back into the "I love my family and this too shall pass" mentality.

Lastly, I try to figure out my beliefs:

I believe that God is in control.
I believe that He does things for my ultimate good.
I believe that He allows certain things to happen to create in me character and compassion.
I believe that God will not leave me or forsake me.
I believe that I am His child and am an heir to His throne.

With those Biblical truths, I figure I can't be that bad. If you dwell on those things, you can often overcome the thoughts and feelings that plague you and bring you down.

At least you should be able to.

Until someone calls you (as they did me last week) and tells you that you are not walking in the Spirit like you should. (While you are cleaning up puke...and headed to a "government" appointment because of your financial distress.) They question your very alignment with God's word and your walk. They tell you that you are not someone that they want to spend time with because of your cursing. Oh, and you drink. (Everyone I know can attest that you can count the number of drinks I've had in the last 5 years on one hand. And even God's word doesn't forbid drinking.) And they do all of this under the guise of "I owe you an apology because I lied to you."

Uh, okay. This person apologizes and then says, "but do you want to know why?" (Warning: If anyone calls you and asks if you want to know why they said something behind your back...just say no.) So I listened. And I cried. I was not only shocked, but hurt. And ultimately, I disagreed. It took several days of digging through scriptures to come to the conclusion that this "rebuke" was not from the Lord. I could learn from it, but it was not God that was condemning me.

God comforted me and directed me to verses which assured me that the condemnation I felt was not from Him. "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." He also took me to verses which showed me that I should strive to be a person with a gentle and quiet spirit, and that the things I say should be edifying.

I am (and have been for a while) profoundly aware of my own own ability to act in the flesh. I occasionally swear, make jokes, and react in the flesh.

I struggle (as any of us do) in many areas of my Christian walk, however, I do not consider myself to be choosing to sin. If and when I say what is not in God's will or is not edifying, I feel terrible, and I believe it is the Holy Spirit who convicts me, not others. And I will repent.

But I think this blog could be a testimony of how I have cleaned it up over the years. I try not to put anything in writing that others would take offense to. I think the worst thing I have said in this blog is "crap." (For which I was confronted, by the way.)

I think this blog is somewhat reflective of my life. Because Christians may be reading this, I try to keep it clean. You can bet that when I am around Christians, or am at church, that I am mindful of what I say. (I am actually mindful of what I say all the time...we have even confronted kids in public for using foul language.) So her accusations crushed me. I spiraled into a "I guess I'm not good enough" mentality...and wondered if God would ever use me.

Well, to that God said to me that my very brokenness is His qualification for using me. God does not call perfect people, He calls imperfect people. He wants me. Can you believe that? God wants me?

Margaritas, swear words, stinking thinking, and all...God wants me.

Ultimately I have learned a lot from this. I will be longsuffering with my friends when they offend me, because I don't know what they are going through. I will pray for them more. I will speak ill of them to no one. (That way I won't have to call and apologize...and then feel as if I have to justify my own behavior by attacking them.)

Maybe what we all need to do as friends, sisters in Christ, to take the "Friendship" hypocratic oath. Which sums it all up with this: First, do no harm.

You never help someone out of a pit, by kicking them first

*Disclaimer: If you know me or know the people involved in this scenario, know that I mean no disrespect to anyone. I am the owner of this blog and it is a place for MY feelings and thoughts. If you wish to leave a comment, just know that it may be deleted if I feel it is inappropriate or uses identifying information. The above paragraphs are my own thoughts and feelings, hopes and goals as a Christian...if I fail them in any way, you do not need to throw them in my face in the future. While I hope I never hurt anyone, I know I will. So in advance, I am sorry. And guess what...I am still a child of God in all of my failures, and He loves me! Hallelujah!


Wonderful World of Weiners said...

Becky - you rock.

I SOOOOO want to hang out with you and drink a SHIT LOAD of Diet Coke, dude.

Hallie :)

for a different kind of girl said...

You left a very kind comment on a blog a bit ago, and life is just now allowing me to come here and say thank you. I get the feeling I'm going to come back again (if you don't mind!), for reading this post of yours strikes so many chords with me. I've taken this same ride. My hands are still clutching to the safety bar while my feet are flying out from behind me on a lot of this that you share.

April said...

Seriously, don't ever tell me who called you that day because I will kick her ass in the name of Jesus. She is not your judge Bex. We have had this conversation before. My mouth has a mind of its own. It is my struggle too. But God knows our hearts, and He will deal with us. Don't let the thoughtless ramblings of another person bring you down. No matter what is going on in your life, it will pass. The struggle to get there sucks, but you will learn something, become stronger, appreciate where you began. There is always a plan. She does not deserve your friendship.

E+T=M5 said...

Ok, can I make it brief??? Here's the really need to buy the book Classic Christianity. We as Christians are always feeling as though we are only accepted if we act a certain way, or do a certain thing, or never mess up. Here's the truth...God accepts us right where we're at, actually He sees us as perfect...can you stand it? If you have received Him, you are perfect in His sight. All this thanks to the perfect sacrifice of His Son. So whether we struggle with language, pride, selfishness, get the gist...we are still His, and perfect in His sight. Now comes the rebuke ;)...not really. Though not one of us is any better in God's sight, He still commands us to live a life worthy of the calling to which we have been called. SO...I will say that each one of us must work at our struggles and realize that we can NOT do it without allowing Christ to live in and through us, that's the part most Christians today can't get a hold of. That is why I love this book. It reminds us that we have received, now we must LIVE as though we know the living in us. Pretty cool huh!?!?!

The Maid said...

I think that is blasphemy. Vengeance is mine says the Lord, eh?
LOL Thanks for wanting to come to my defense. :)

I get that I am to live a life worthy of the calling to which I have been called, but here is what I have to say in response to your rebuke, (not really):

I am trying. I am doing what I can every day to grow in the grace and the knowledge of the Lord. I am a work in progress...a constant work...and I constantly am working at this.

We all have our own issues, and I was transparent in this blog and shared a very painful experience with everyone...I also fessed up to my part in it all. I am constantly turning it over to Jesus and praying for forgiveness.

I get that Christ accepts me just exactly where I am is what I don't get...if we are supposed to be living our lives in the image of Christ and trying to be more like him...wouldn't it be the responsibility of every Christian to accept one another exactly where they are at?

There are many people who have offended me in some way that I haven't felt it my place (in Christ) to call them out on it. You turn the other cheek. (And boy have I ever.)

Which is what I am doing daily.

Ultimately, we live our lives for an audience of one. The One.

"Have thine own way, Lord. Have thine own way, thou art the potter, I am the clay. Mold me and make me, after thy will."

He is having His way with me, it may not be what everyone else wants, but it is me living for Him right where I am at!

To the other gals...
thanks for the comments. I always appreciate them.

The Maid

Sweet and Salty said...

I can't imagine a single christian who can't relate to your words. lol... (I recently posted about this sort of thing)

No, I don't know you, but you may be a bit too harsh with yourself. It's obvious to me reading this post that you have a good heart and are conscious of your actions. Sure, you've got to "work out your salvation" and walk the path, but our Wonderful Lord has done the heavy lifting, so to speak. (smile)

It's upsetting seeing the number of Christians that feel that they should judge other Christians, and the more "zeolot" of the bunch even admonish you incorrectly about things like drinking, which is not prohited, although one should not be a drunk.

Take care and be kinder to yourself. We had a Lord who loves us!

Happy Mommy said...

You go girl! And as far as a friend using an apology to vail an blast on you that's no such apology, or a friend.
It is ok to drink not ok to get drunk, and about once a month I have A glass of wine. And a curse word here or there never hurt anybody... Well it could but anyway.
It is so hard to find out someone has been talking about you, I am a bible study leader for our church (ooohhh and I drink wine on occasion) and at a small group meeting once a woman apologized in front of everyone for talking about me behind my back and then went on to tell me why, amazing I did think she was to sorry after her 5 minute let every bad thing you think about me was off her chest. So I have been there and it sucks (is that a bad word) But God still uses me, and loves me to! Thank you for sharing! I love being your blog friend!

I tagged you today on my blog, please play, we your blog and real friends want to know all about you!

Caitlin said...

Becky, it's been a while so I have a little catching up to do. ;0) First and foremost CONGRATULATIONS on the new little one! How exciting!

Second, but equally as importantly, who is this person to judge you? There's no excuse for that sort of behavior.
NO ONE knows yourself, your family, your life, and your intentions better than you do. Don't forget that. Don't let this person get under your skin (easier said than done, I know). You are a GOOD PERSON, with a GOOD HEART, and as for the rest?Quite frankly, it's none of her business.
And certainly does not follow your Friendship Hypocratic Oath. Which I think is a perfect idea :)

Um, so basically....what April said :)
Chin up, elbows out. Hang in there. We're all rooting for you. xoxo

chandy said...

I'm so sorry Becky. Not only was that person being a jerk, they were claiming their jerky behavior in the name of Christ, and that just sucks.

I'd gladly share a bottle of wine and toast to your Friendship hypocratic oath! (Or, I guess since you are pg, we could toast with a cold delta charlie and some brownies.)

The Maid said...

Hey Fraughter...

I just read your blog for the second time and posted a remarkable comment only to discover that I can't post since I've deleted my blog. Here is an abbreviated version. (God probably didn't want the long version posted).

I've known you longer than anyone, except God. As JD would say, "I was at your birth". You're not just MY daughter, you are a daughter of the KING. There will be many well-meaning "friends" along life's journey who would rather do a hit-and-run with their opinion or Scripture than to drop off a meal or offer you a time out from life. Your "friend" couldn't see your heart or your needs because of her log. You don't need drugs or herbs. You need 15 years of lost sleep. So put on the praise music today, take a bath, and meet me tonight for a Shirley Temple or a "virgin" margarita! We'll put some music back into our life.

I love you,

E+T=M5 said...

I tried to encourage you by saying that truly it doesn't matter how others see us (you), it's how God sees us that counts, right? And He sees perfection. I know you're working out the kinks, we all are.

My other point (that the book explains in depth) is that all this that you keep trying to do (like all of us Christians me included) you can't do, none of us can. Only He can. The trick is to learn how to let Him. I have one more chapter left, I will let you know all that I have discovered (if you want). I think you should just read it, it's amazing! We are ordering a bunch in bulk if you want one let me know.

Love ya...T

Kristen said...

Dear Maid,

Please don't be so hard on yourself. Your only crime and weakness? You. Are. Human. We all have depressed days and crummy feelings about ourselves and our roles.

You know why you will make it? Because you try. And that's what it's all about. Don't hold yourself to any one else's standards. YOU are who God delights in. He created you, fearfully and wonderfully. The Maid. Amen.

Sandra in Phx said...

Sorry to hear you are feeling blechy. I hope that you are able to dig into His word and really find out that you are a wonderful wife (just ask the Butler), a fun mom (who else wouldn't whack their children for using water guns filled with Pepsi in their kitchen) and most of all, HIS daughter:)

Genny said...

You're right...our feelings are temporary, but our beliefs are something to stand on. I hope you are feeling better soon. And I agree..."you never help someone out of a pit by kicking them first." I love the conlusions you came to after all of this and I hope you feel better soon.

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Bogart said...

I believe that we give way to much power to the standards the world sets for us. Frankly, Christ called us to love God and love others...if we do that, the rest will fall into line.

When I was preaching, I used to remind the church that our job is NOT behavior modification...the Spirit takes care of that. My job is to love on people and make sure they know who Christ is. I think a lot of Christians forget that.

As far and the depression stuff, please don't take it lightly. It can take a toll on your family, friends, and relatinoships...We are not promised an easy road, nor are we promised happiness...but with Christ, we are promised Joy.

I have written enough, but I will finish with one of my favorite things a buddy of mine explained...Happiness is from the outside in, but Joy is from the inside out.

Roland Hulme said...

What a brillaintly written post! and I can totally relate - I think it's very easy to feel 'blaugh' in that 'something's not quite right,' general malaise type of way.

I'm an thiest - I lost my faith last year - but that doesn't mean the Bible still doesn't have some good stuff in it and the quote about a purposeful heart is spot on. I think we all need a purpose in life, otherwise we get tied up in knots.

And I think being a wonderful friend and mother and wife, as you clearly are, is great, but 'purpose' has to be essentially selfish - not that what you do needs to be selfish, but that the reason for doing it stems from within you and you alone.

And this could be craft (my mother started her own pottery business) or writing, or painting, or walking, or building, or charity work or church work or a hundred million other things.

But we all need something that gives us reason to get out of bed in the morning.

This is an old post, so I hope you're feeling better. You're a great writer.