Friday, May 30, 2008

Oh, the Pressure!

I am a fairly new blogger, in that I have only been on this darn thing since about mid-March. And when I say on it, I mean ON it. I may not be writing often, but I am reading - all over the place - pretty much every day. To my own peril.

So, I have discovered a few things.

There is this PRESSURE in the blogging world.

Not pressure to write every day, not pressure to link everyone to your blog, not even the pressure to have the best template or header...although I think it is a secret contest amongst bloggers..."My blog looks better than her blog."

Dude, I am all about the cheap, fast and easy. Ask my family. That is how I cook, dress, and shop. (I didn't say "I" was cheap fast and easy...geesh.)

I don't buy a ton of stuff at Walmart because I love it, I do it because it is all conveniently thrown under one roof. If Nordstrom's had groceries, I'd overspend there too.

So anyway, the PRESSURE, that I am referring to is this:

On almost every blogging site you will find a talented, crafty, sewing, photo-taking, photo-sharing, recipe making, healthy cooking, Martha Stewart cloned organizing junkie who is naturally funny. (I said ALMOST...don't assume you are funny if you are not. Some people are just boring and self-righteous and want to make you feel like a slob.)

I can handle pressure, I mean I have kids, right? I get the juggling of many balls and wearing of many hats thing. (I know, hee hee Scarlett, I said

Listen up, though...this pressure is taking a toll on me. I am overdue for a pedicure and it has been months since my last haircut. I look like this. I laid on my couch looking around last night and thought...we are so messy. We are such slobs. We are THAT family that no one wants to hang out with because their dishes sometimes get put away dirty and your feet stick to the kitchen floor.

(No, I didn't mean any disrespect to "We are THAT family"...a highly respectable blog with great humor and all of the other pressures...good photos...blah blah blah, thanks for raising the bar Kristen. LOL)

Have you ever been to one of those houses? You know the ones where you would rather hold it than go pee?

That is the state of our slovenliness I am afraid.

Not even
Mr. Clean and all of his magic erasers can help us now.

So if we can't even keep ourselves bleachified and sparkled up, then how, my dear blogging friends, can we keep organized? No disrespect to my sweet friend and her
organized life, but I don't think that any more organizational websites baskets and bins, pails and cute little taggy things are going to keep my kids and their stuff put away and the pee off the toilet seats. (Or the even grosser DNA that we find around my house. Shiver.)

Now let me address the other pressures...

Cooking for my family? Um, nope. I prefer the
dining out option, when we can afford it. Since we are still waiting for our stimulus check (dream on debtors), our meals look a lot like this. Especially since Safeway had them on sale and you got free movie passes when you bought a gazillion. (Pretty telling, I'm afraid when your 18 month old can request a "Ha Pocky" for breakfast.)

Since I don't cook, I like to offer my family lots of choices. At any given time we have 10 boxes of different cereal, four different types of Oreos, a selection of goldfish, and a basket of rotting fruit. (Don't look at me in that tone of voice, it wasn't rotting when I bought it.)

I used to be all afraid of sugary cereals, but as a dear friend taught me...if you feed your kids a steady diet of sugar, they won't freak out when they get it. Aaaahhhh, wisdom. And as far as the fruit thing goes, we are enjoying the health benefits of the fruit as it decomposes in our presence. It is reverse juicing. We, by osmosis, absorb the rotting fruit gasses, and when you add that to our Gummy vitamins, we are a picture of health. (Take that you kefir eating wierdos.)

Oh, and all you
organic only eating, green leafy vegetable toting, co-op produce swappers...I prefer my pesticides, because I will not become the bug eater. Just jokin' neighbor...I think it is great for you to eat that ruffly fresh off the truck California stuff...I'm just saying my super washed hairless, bugless bag salad is the way for me.

One other thing I have discovered from the world of blogging is that there are more than a few of you out there who are raising chickens.
This girl, that girl, and I think even this one. Dude, I know that the chickens poop out the eggs, but that is a farm fairy tale that I don't want to witness. And I just can't see myself uttering the words, "Daddy's out in the coop...go fetch me some eggs."

And let me say that I am a bit slow on this here computer stuff. "Ifins we had one of these back in my day", well, I might be all over this bad boy. But to all of you who are posting the great articles and photos and making it seem effortless (
Marcy), just know that it took 3 people from my family to post this one photo on my page. "Itsa gunna be a while fer me."

Lastly, the naturally funny part. Well, um. I plead the fifth. I am with
Queen April when she says, "What if I run out of funny" and people don't want to read me anymore. Well shoot, hun, that is when we have to pretend to be all deep. You make a favorite smells list or resort to ripping off material from your kids.

Action figures up the whazoo in the shower...that gets em every time.

I am vowing to prove our state of disunion to you of the mess will be coming soon. My teenager just needs to pull the sheets off of his face (it is almost noon, you know) and help me upload them. Be afraid, be very afraid.

The not so organized, totally un-organic, in denial about being un-healthy, non-cooking, apparently non-cleaning, not-so-funny, Maid.


Bogart said...

I think people are either funny or not...and the "Wit" well is never dry.

I enjoy your writing...I enjoy your stories. I regularly laugh. Please don't feel pressure on that front. You are entertaining and enjoyable.

Marcy Massura said...

I know you and I have said this before when we first bonded over the love of our washer and dryers- but YOU ARE my SOUL MATE. This was the best post. Mainly because it is so true. I ALSO started only a few months ago and I find myself stressed out as I read others fabulous blogs. AND if I didn't have these darn kids wanting to eat EVERY day I would be able to sit and write and upload endlessly. But eventlually I would not be LIVING my life and then I would have nothing to write ABOUT! Oh the irony. Oh the comedy. I have panicked that I am using up my stockpile of funny (I have been keeping it for years in a back closet) too....and if that happens...well then okay with me. At least I got it out in the open for a while....Do you know I did an actual laughing spit take on the "HA POCKY"?...I may have to replace my keyboard! Oh honey- if it wasn't for artificial sweetners I would have killed over a long time ago! It is keeping all of my family in one piece! Don't stress...we will be here after the laundry (as if it is ever ALL done!)

chandy said...

Love this post! Nice to read about "real" people who aren't afraid to say they like Oreos.

The Park Wife said...

You are hilarious!

There is pressure, but you will get to the point (which I think you are) that you say "forget everybody else and the "competition" and write to impress yourself. Write when you want, how you want, and stand up for what YOU believe in. It is easy to get carried away, but when all the newness wears off you will get in your groove and just be yourself and not worry about everyone else. I for one, think you are a great writer, very real, and too freakin' funny!

I am glad I found your blog, thanks for visiting mine!
The Park Wife

Little Mama said...

Lordy mercy, girl! I'm lovin' your blog . . . when I'm not out taking care of the stinky chickens! LOL . . . and I feel your pressure . . . sigh. Keep the great posts comin'!

Julia Lynne
Chicken lady extrordinaire . . . Right.

"Intentionally Katie" said...

Oh quit, ya big whiner. I had no idea you were so competitive! I don't feel pressured by other people's blogs, I feel inspired. I need the ideas and encouragement.

And you may have your cyber-readers fooled, but I've been to your house, girl. I know you don't live in a 'sty. You even opened that crazy organized cabinet with all of your crafts. Yup, I've got your number.

And can I get hooked up with your organic co-op neighbor??? I didn't know anyone did that locally.

(great, now I'm craving Oreos...)

The Maid said...

Dear Readers and Dear Dear Katie...
(Bless her little heart)

Tis not whining, tis sarcasm mixed with truth. And as far as garnering great inspiration from other superblogs...sometimes I do sometimes I don't. Mostly I am left feeling overwhelmed and defeated. Competition, not so much...just wanting to be "normal" if there is a norm...and fearing that I may be less than normal...and fearing even more that I might not even care! OOOHHH scarey!

And to my dear readers...let me clarify...Katie has been to my home...ONCE. You all know how when 16 girls come over for Bunco that have never been over clean like a cracked out ho...and what you can't clean you hide.

In fact, truth once again, the laundry that didn't get done before Bunco which was May 5th...just got brought in from the BLACK garbage bag in the garage last week...we all have whites again.

So eat an Oreo Katie...and quit thinking you are outing me...cuz you haven't been to my house in a month. LOL And we all know what happens with 7 kids, a hubby and a bunch of puke over the course of 4 weeks. Yeah, baby. Stop by now if you dare.

April said...

Becky can you hear this?? It's me giving you a standing ovation! That was so beautiful. I have tears of pride and joy running down my cheeks!

What I love most about you, you are honest! You are real and yourself. This is you, real world and blog world. And I'm right there with ya! I could feed my family, my extended family and the Mormons next door with the amount of crumbs on my kitchen floor. Katie, you can come see my house too. Just please, bring your mop and label maker. :)

Chris H said...

I don't give a shit about what others put on their blogs, I don't even try to compare mine to anyone else's cos mine is just that ... MINE... and it's just THE DAYS OF MY LIFE type shit. If you try to copy or be as clever/funny/witty/ whatever as someone else you will not be being true to yourself. Amen and all that. So missy, just continue doing whatever you are doing cos it is good, ok! And I'm sure you are a very good mother, crap food an all!

Betty said...

What April said..... (right on!)

Caitlin said...

Becky! I can only second (third, and fourth) what others here have already said. Especially April. You are honest, and sincere, and that is far more valuable than trying to act like the next Martha just because it seems that's what everyone else is doing. I completely understand - it does seem everyone out there is always SO dang crafty and inspired and how DO they do it??
There is so much pressure these days to be absolutely everything to everyone and it's not realistic.

Just remember is that everything you see on someone's blog is what they choose to put out there, and how they want to be seen. We are all *so* much more than what's on our blogs. And your being real and honest and true to yourself is much more genuine and valuable than anything else.
You have to live your life and raise your family based on your values and your beliefs: That's much more important than doing what everyone is else is doing. That's what my brother and boyfriend (both Navy sailors) are out there fighting for, as that's the beauty of this great country of ours.
And it's equally as important to let others do the same. Doesn't mean you always have to agree -- as long as you understand they're living their lives and you're living yours: Deep blog, funny blog, or both: poptarts and Hot Pockets or Organic greens and chicken eggs.

After all, that's what makes us all the more interesting, no? ;)

j said...

GREETINGS from the Dust Bunny Hostage! Sister, it's gonna be ALL RIGHT. I'm living the life, trying to dig my way out of the mess daily, and life just goes on. Mom in law drops by and has to wade through our mess? No worries! I'll just smile and pretend it doesn't matter.

Hang in there chick! Start printing your blog now so that you can leave it to your children one day - a legacy of what you accomplished ASIDE from putting socks together in pairs!!


Kristen said...

My floor is sticky and my dishes are overflowing out of the sink. The bar? Not so high. Thanks for thinking it is though!

The Maid said...

Dear Jennifer...

The socks are supposed to be in pairs?

Darn it.
(No sock-mending pun intended.)

The Maid

Unknown said...

great post!
ouch... i'm a kefir eater!
and "ripping off material from your kids..."
hmmm... haven't tried that one before!
